Gone Phishing – Is Your Money at Risk?

In this cyber world we live in, we all need to be aware of how to protect ourselves from scams.  Most people are receiving and sending emails every day; often providing their personal details, accounts, and banking information. These everyday actions are what cyber-criminals look for and all parties within this communication are at risk of phishing.  Phishing is an action taken by cybercriminals to obtain, intercept and change details within these communications to commit fraud and obtain money: putting you at risk.

Most law firms, accountants and real estate agents will ask you to verify financial details by a simple phone call, which helps to avoid any risk to you or themselves. This action is recommended each time a client is transferring monies into trust, paying invoices or providing funds and/or details to a third party by way of online transaction.  A simple phone call can help you avoid cyber scams. The Australian Cyber Security Centre states, that these scams are often “pretending to be from large organisations you know or trust”.  This means you can think you are getting an email from your well-known friendly professional (like us) and these criminals may try to steal your details or intercept money you are providing to us.

This is why at Bangalow Conveyancing we encourage you to telephone our office and verify any requests before proceeding to transfer funds.  This is to safeguard you, so you are protected from any identity fraud or loss of money from any attempt at phishing.

Don’t let your money go phishing, make the call to verify your details today.